Here is where you'll find photos and videos that are referenced in the podcast.
S11 E14. Bella's video at the pharmacy.

S11 E13 The tea leaves.
S11 E2 Explain Yourself. The photo Ann took in Italy. Who is the woman in the center?

S5 E10 Miracles. The chicken that showed up on Rannie's doorstep.
S5 E8 Orbs Caught On Camera. The orbs Joycie captured.

S4 E8 Signs From The Other Side. The luna moth that appeared; the luna moth graffiti; Amanda's tattoo.

S2 E5 Visitors. The orbs Arthur captured.

S2 E4 The War. My Lola's memoir, my Lolo Mars, my great-grandparents.

S1 E5 Not of this World. The Clive Barker painting Mark talks about.